Dan Hatz

All of that is nonsense, I can barely even see what point you're trying to make.

One slight problem with this, the perpetrator is a comedian. You know, the people who poke fun at things and make jokes.

When you pick apart a persons entire history of course you're going to find jokes that fall flat. He has a ton of killer material, pointing out a few bad jokes doesn't invalidate everything he's done.

Dishonesty in journalism is a rampant problem and needs to be addressed. Thankfully we now have Gamergate, an incredibly polarized argument that's so toxic that no one wants to touch anything related it.

What's wrong about making a statement about your preference?

Apparently it's offensive to have a preference.

Those are sets not jokes. Sets have a thesis, and the individual jokes are based around it.

Are you making a joke? Is that statement a smaller part of a larger joke? Context and intent plays a major role in our every day lives, and our obsession with being politically correct is attempting to completely remove that from speech.

How does making a joke that involves a Jew make antisemitism cool?

The joke wasn't "lol jews." It was "lol commenting on past relations between Germans and Jews."


The key word in that sentence being "jokes."

Group B should be able to recognize that what someone says can completely differ to their actual point of view.

Stop yelling. You're triggering me shitlord!

It's not an essay, almost each tweet is a response to the one before it. Going post going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of political correctness.