Somehow the first one is also less sad.
Somehow the first one is also less sad.
Replacing the carbon intensive fossil fuel industry with the carbon intensive nuke industry is not a solution.
“Not all liberals are kooks anymore than all conservatives are fascists.”
I was 11 when my little league coach was like “You’re a lefty. No more third base for you!”
“Our cops have ALMOST not killed black people!” is not a thing to be proud of, yo.
Imagine being a functional adult in 2019 and not understanding how sports are a marketing arm for colleges.
I am absolutely stunned that someone who brings a casket to a tailgate might also have some questionable racial beliefs.
You’re more likely to get a win if your starter is giving up 3 fewer runs per 9 than swapping a 0.220 hitter with a 0.300 hitter. I’m not sure how that’s a debate.
Not IDP... Only defense and special teams players. Punting is more fun when you score it...
I don’t get to say this much but: OH NO, HE’S ON MY FANTASY TEAM!
I bet the whole time this was going on, Drew was like GUMBOGUMBOGUMBO.
I have trouble understanding grown ass adults looking at the AB situation and being like "that man would be fired instantly at my job!" Motherfucker, James in accounting acts like this every goddamn day only instead of kicking footballs, he replys all and sends emails asking people to not move his lunch and calls in…
“How I can tell you’ve never managed adults before.”
As I’ve said in other threads on this: people who were throwing their support behind the Raiders in all of this were being purposely ignorant about the history of the management involved.
That's what I was saying kinda?
This is a good point.
I don't think you understand the term "strawman"
Well-run run organizations win? You deserve a Pulitzer for this scoop.
Huh. It’s almost like well-run organizations have no issuebringing in “problem” players... Maybe I could draw some conclusions about how shitty organizations are structurally incapable of handling these same players!
Lotta pro-boss posts comments here. Disappointed in y’all.