
As a Bostonian, there arent enough "kehd!" (kid) as caps to everyones Boston talk sentences: "Aw shit kehd, this fawckin' movies gonna take the piss outta that Tsarnev bastahd, may he rot in jail. He thaught he was some hot shit for a minute and now look at him! Even Marky Mark thinks hes a queeah, kehd!"

Hear, hear!

everly brothers outta left field! nice.

Just want to say I read this as "Bergeron", aka the old Americas Funniest Videos host before Alfonzo, and that s what lead me here.

his dog training sketch was so great

Linguo IS dead.

Man, have you seen the video of Owen Pallett doing This Modern Love live? Holy shit what a cover, and what a song:

Bluh, that just reminds me of Grizzly Bear. I remember when they debuted Two Weeks on Letterman, as the lead single to Veckatimest. It debuted months before the album came out, but I was so friggen' excited about it and their sound. But Two Weeks turned out to be like, one of three songs that were written by Ed

Watch this to get you warmed up: its a 20 minute montage of how Secretariat became a nightly "cohost" of the show, and it is absolutely amazing: