
Jet fuel can melt teams.

You actually don’t know what you’re talking about.

The one where Kevin Draper was the saddest.

Russia, the Mustang drivers of the geopolitical world.


People who say shit like that probably had teachers that said “I don’t know, CAN you go to the bathroom?”

Keep your hands OFF our guns!!!! Because you might accidentally shoot us. God those things are dangerous.

No biggie. I usually pay a prostitute $200 to do that to me anyways.

I know someone who’s getting the pipe tonight.

An American wondering why the little people can’t have nice things is a little too on-the-nose even for kinja, don’t you think?

All of the hot dogs. Just fill the bowl with boiling water and go to town.

The all-caps are a nice touch from Iceland’s very own Drew Magarysson

Haters gonna say it’s fake.

You and Matthew Urso need to have a fight about this.

* is the key on a keyboard that most resembles an asshole.

It’s not that weird when you consider that he’s a bitch.

Is the cup itself edible?

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