
What a surprise, your old friends don’t like a fashion trend popular amoung young adults.

So basically what you’re getting at is... stop liking what I don’t like?

The fact that every phone you have bought uses MicroUSB does not mean every Android phone uses MicroUSB.

Kinda like how despite the fact that many Android phones have far superior hardware... people still buy iPhones because they are iPhones.

They actually have a pretty friendly history with standards, so long as they have a say in what they are. What they don’t like, is adapting an existing global standard.

A company making free use of the public domain, yeah I’m sure he would have hated that. I hear as a communist he was a huge fan of private ownership and strict property rights.

We don’t have bedtimes, when the sleep deprevation becomes too much, we just pop over to the local hospital for a bit of free healthcare.

That merger has not been completed yet.

For some reason I really like this, and I’m not American nor do I like Bud. I want to drink some America..

Fortunately, council had an attack of growing a spine and told them to grow up.

But have you driven a Model X and experienced the issue there?

Because, sure: every lynching of a black person isn’t motivated by racism.

I was thinking the same thing, I think they had the labels messed up at the start.

I like how the college kid is more of an adult in this video. You can clearly see him thinking about going over there and “voicing” his displeasure, but he thinks better of it.

Most concepts have pretty out-there interiors. We’ll see if it gets any changes before production.

Why does it always have to be rich v. poor? How about, I’m in favor of tax credits that will provide incentives to move toward EVs.

Well that’s not true. But I do agree it would be unlikely for this to be FWD.

The Gulia is a 3-series copycat, hardly dramatic or romantic.

I think it’s kind of silly to answer the question based on the possibility of people celebrating St. Patty’s reasonably. The fact is that people are out on St. Patty’s doing the exact same thing they do at SantaCon.

Could be built in Moscow, doesn’t change the fact that it’s an American muscle car. Why do people always seem to think that where a car is assembled is relevant to anything.