
Completely agree with you. She should be prosecuted, and to be honest for something other than first degree manslaughter.

But I also find it VERY telling that a white woman and an Asian man are pretty much the biggest examples of cops being thrown to the wolves by other cops.

And again, just to reiterate, I absolutely

And that in itself should tell us something. It should tell EVERYONE something.


Raising your hands in the air has been the EPITOME of surrender/non-aggression/submission for a REALLY long god damned time now.

As in, our good friend Woody saying: “reach for the sky, partner!”

All I’m gonna say is people start calling themselves “smashers”, they’re gonna get some aggressive shitty thoughts in their heads.

“because you know, video doesn’t really capture emotions of the situation, amirite? I mean unless they’re expressed verbally or physically”

Cop: “Oh boy, now we have an excuse to grab even more free shit!

Then I guess we’ll just have to do like my grandma told me when I was a kid, “use your imagination!” Thanks Grandma!

Having a pie thrown in your face is definitely worthy of a punch.

And judging by his Smugshot, it seems like it was totally worth it to him.

I just wish it was a cowpie. Shit, I mean shit. I wish someone had thrown shit in this predator’s face.

I can’t tell if that question is sexist or just trumpish.
Or both, far be it for me to underestimate the possible breadth of dickisness of people.

How very unamerican of you to pose such a question!
You must hate America and our flag and our troops and mom’s apple pie!
If you were really American you would just sit there, shut up and accept my billy club of righteousness in your face.
Unless you’re white. In which case, have fun!

Transparency from police departments in alleged wrongdoing?
I NEVER expect that.

I just don’t get it. Are there people who actually like listening to this loafer-faced asshole? Or do they just wonder if he’ll ever get to the point where he opens his mouth so wide that it becomes unhinged and opens up to reveal a black hole of dickishness.

I think knee-high boots are sexy.

I like this. Because Midwestern obesity.

White girl like: “Yeah, I can kneel too, ya assholes. In the same way Kap can feel indignant about police brutality even though he’s wealthy”

Adorable! This is so cute! Also, if His Holiness is making fun of you, that kinda means you’re a massive piece of shit.

That guy’s gotta have one of the most punchable faces I’ve seen in... days.

Dressed all in black, red backpack and (unsuccessfully) trying to launch a molotov cocktail. Sounds like one of those asshole career agitators who show up to any protest.

Mostly what I got from this was the image of Donny’s creepy, limp, ghostly white hand being raised. Gross.

Coincidentally, “brilliant” is also how I incredulously describe the reporting of campus rapes.