
Or just a freaking wagon! like let that dude push around a wagon filled with rocks (for bone crushing weight) like a wheelbarrow and mow down every single freaking enemy combatant! Their spears wouldn’t have been long enough to do much damage, and he’d basically be mowing the lawn/battlefield.

In Sansa’s defense, I

Crooked Hillary. I mean if she weren’t crooked how could we call her that? You can’t answer that, can you? And as we all know, the absence of proof is proof that I’m right.

DumpTruck Trump just starts sounding like ‘chump’ after awhile. Fitting.

Look, all I’m saying is have you ever seen Obama and Osama in the same place at the same time? THINK ABOUT IT. #NeverForget

Are you a grown man or a little baby back bitch boy who thinks that it’s a woman’s responsibility to not provoke a man into righteously lashing out at you physically? #OursIsTheFury

Fuck you, Steve A. Smith. My farts choose NBA Finals Champions more accurately than you do. They’re also probably better received at

Shouldn’t everyone be saving up their energy for the Olympic competition the following day?

I’d be pretty fucking livid if my competition partner was fucking some canoeist the night before we compete, AND then had the effrontery to make me go sleep somewhere else. I mean that’s bound to have a negative influence on

What a pap-smear of a shitstain.

IS it better than terrorizing them with pornography? Say what you will about porn, but at least they have a history of significant financial/business success.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Crooked Hill-dog and her unhinged, robot, rapist agenda. Bill is as much a victim as that DumpTruck Trump
(I just vomited in my mouth)

I don’t think it’s hard to explain at all.

In regards to these types of scenarios of belief, I often think about the mind-boggling cases of (mostly black) men who have spent sometimes decades on death row for heinous crimes they did not commit. Especially considering how many of these (mostly black) men have been

Well obviously it’s not his fault, Bill is an affluent, white male, how could he be capable of such a crime? Clearly there were other forces at work here.

Diversity = White Genocide

I didn’t even know this was a possibility. Thanks for creating previously nonexistent disappointment in my life!

Also, Bruno Mars is never settling, he’s had that stage presence since he was a kid!

It’s just so hard to believe that any White/Athletic/Affluent male would do such a terrible thing! I mean why would someone with such a bright future do anything bad? It just doesn’t make sense. We should do everything we possibly can to protect them from anything that might damage their future success.

This kid may

“Prison would not do this kid any good”

Since when are we supposed to be concerned about the ‘good’ of a rapist?
A rapist who targeted and heinously assaulted a mentally ill woman no less?

“Anyone who has a daughter should be appalled by this”

ANYONE should be appalled by this. Fuck you if you aren’t.

Absurdity beyond reason.

However I am still having a little trouble deciding which is the absurd cherry on top of the absurdity sundae, is it that “she was the aggressor” (for cereal?) or the claim that he was “too stoned” to be interested in sex.

Federal Fuck-You-In-The-Ass Prison just has more of a ring to it than
State Stick-You-In-The-Ass Prison.

Ah gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the kid.

“Released within 90 days” uhhh.. what’s the thinking behind this?

I mean overturned is overturned, right? Some pretty horrific shit can happen to you in federal prison over 90 days.

Most of what i got from this article was that those anti-dopers really, really wanted some fresh, warm pee. Also, potentially to see some dong, since some drug tests require (legitimately gross, legitimate) supervision.

I replied to the same question above, but I probably should have replied to your lengthier comment, especially because of your user handle.

I created this account last night because I totally burned myself a while back by not saving my burner password for my old handle theerrantventure

I first have to admit that the “typical of hispanics” was something pointed out to me by a friend, however when looking at the entire situation, it did make sense to me. And by that I mean previously I was confused as to why a police officer would look visibly relieved to see me and not a “dangerous brown person”