Ric Hard

Speaking of the manual, from the same NES cartridge, what *is* in the manual but few noticed... Duck Hunt was a 2-player game! The second controller could move the ducks around.

I guess you never read Nintendo Power.

I went to a Church’s once and felt as though my glowing mayosity stood out very much.  Never went back.  And I didn’t make my first trek to a Popeye’s until one of my co-workers confirmed that it wouldn’t be weird.

A lot of dumb people like to cite Sowell because he is a black conservative with a Harvard degree so he must be an expert, right? And for years, he used that intellectual cache to blatantly lie and misrepresent facts.

What that told me was, you don’t agree with him because he never acts like a victim and you don’t understand much of what he says, goes over your head. Fuck you, you wanna be intellectual, there’s my response.

They base their math on feelings.