
Musician is hot but the dramatic re-imagining of a peppy 'Grease' tune kinda tormented me. My brain was fighting it.

Sounds like you need to clean your drain out so it doesn't collect all that pee.

I've done it. It's kinda nice to not worry about getting toothpaste froth everywhere. But it's not fun to brush your teeth with hot water and I like to shower after work, so I'm not usually teeth brushing and showering at the same time.

Seriously dude. I am also a shower pee-er. I don't exactly go out of my way to pee in the shower, but if I gotta go around the time I'm showering, I'll take a pee. Nobody's just peeing in an empty shower. At least, when I'm doing it, I'm peeing in a spray of water that's being washed down a drain and then followed by

So I didn't really think I was dating this guy, but here's the story of my first one-sided break up:

Yeah, I posted this in another thread, but my mom was all over this book and when she was going through her empty nest period when I was late high school/going away to college she used to sing it to me all the time. Intellectually, I get why it appeals to certain parents but I was definitely always like NOOOOO MOOOOOM

YES. I was going to post this. I actually have prominent memories of this book because my mom used to read that book to me all the time and cry, and it always made me feel a little weird as a kid. Like, why does this book make mom all upset? And then when I was older and mom started going through her empty nest phase

Oh God. I get sleep paralysis too. I sleep on my stomach and will regularly wake up feeling like someone is holding me down by sitting on my back. I used to joke with my partner that it was the ghost in our house (we lived in a historic home subdivided into apartments), but after it happened enough times it stopped

I've had the same thing happen to me. I live in Louisiana down the street from a popular college drinking neighborhood. I used to have the bad habit of being kind of casual about keeping my doors locked because I grew up in a very island small town where nothing bad happened, until a belligerent drunk college student

It's hard to explain to someone why to like something when personal preferences are different for everyone, and you seem to have some particularly particular preferences.

One of my friends recently wore a tiara instead of a veil for her wedding. I didn't say anything but I was a bit stunned this was a thing. Of course, I've always been more of a flower-crowned hippie than a spangled in rhinestones kinda girl.

My boyfriend is not the quoting type, but I can't even flip past one of the movies on TV without him whipping out his collectors edition extended cut. And I saw all the terrible "Hobbit" movies in the theater with him. These days I patiently knit while he kills a bajillion orcs for hours on "Shadows of Mordor"

I will say that the times he throws caution to the wind is when girls tell him they need to use the bathroom because they're on their period. And no administrators ever question him either. The period is the ultimate hall pass.

My boyfriend is a middle school English teacher — the problem is middle school students lie about needing using the bathroom A LOT. A lot of them will ask repeatedly cause they just want to get a hall pass and dick around the school and if he lets a kid like that go the principal will chew him out. So he's constantly

As a person who is named Nikki and has had this played for her many times: No.

My mom has been an OR and recovery room nurse for almost 40 years. It probably won't make you feel better but — she has some hilarious stories. This is also probably one of the reasons that I am 30 and have avoided all elective procedures that involve anesthesia.

Some people are super sensitive to anesthesia... that happened to my sister when she had to go under for outpatient surgery. She woke up and immediately started projectile vomiting. She can't handle opiate painkillers either. I can't imagine.

Yeah, anesthesia ramblings are probably best left between you, the doctors and nurses who are trained to put up with your weirdness and have probably heard worse, and whoever has to drive you home.

I have this problem with my boyfriend. I like to tease him that he "loves things to death" because he will also literally wear clothes until they fall apart. I took a couple of approaches to this: I let him wear whatever he wants around the house. I know he likes his old clothes because they're comfy so if it's the

I dunno if this is the way with all men, but when I met my boyfriend he was rather "Paul Bunyon-y" and owned one nice outfit for special occasions and then a closet full plaid shirts, jeans and t-shirts, mostly in muted colors like black and gray and brown. One day we went shopping together (at his suggestion) and it