Reminds me of HGTV, when everyone complains about a home they're viewing having "popcorn ceilings." Popcorn nails?
Reminds me of HGTV, when everyone complains about a home they're viewing having "popcorn ceilings." Popcorn nails?
I'm weirdly excited that Fox is returning to its trashy reality roots that spawned shows like Joe Millionaire, The Swan and Temptation Island.
I figured it was more Cannibal Cop than Terry Richardson... They've been doing a some weird mash-ups of real life cases lately.
She has a tiara AND a tiny crown on the very top of her hair. AMAZING.
Same here. I have super thick, heavy hair that scares stylists. I can't back what all these ladies are saying about scrunchies being easy on your hair, because I always had to use a hair tie underneath them anyway.
That's what I was gonna say. That's a good cat. She put up with a lot of manhandling from that kid without much protest.
Eh, depends on the dude. My man's a little chubby but dude has great legs! He carries it all in his beer belly. Might as well show off his muscly thighs!
Yes. I am a southern Lady (south Louisiana) and short shorts have been the dress of choice for southern frat boys for a few years now, particularly Chubbies:
Like many young siblings I used to torment my little sister by making up elaborate lies about life. Once we were riding our bikes home from piano practice and she accidentally rode through a section of sidewalk that was being replaced. The cement was still wet and her tire left an imprint. I told her that every…
Me too. I babysat exactly twice. It was terrible and made me hope that there's some kind of brainwashing magic that makes your own children more tolerable.
I definitely agree. My partner is going into teaching and he's always made uncomfortable by the negative connotations attached to men who enjoy working with children. It's a little sad.
I mainly had boy babysitters growing up in the 80s/90s. But that's might be because my parents' main source of babysitting labor was my research professor dad bribing his (mostly male) graduate students and postdocs to come watch my sister and I for a night. But they liked to play Nintendo and so did I, so it was cool…
In a newsroom during a Category 3 hurricane. A years ago I worked as a reporter at a small newspaper in south Louisiana. It was part of a prominent chain of newspapers that attracted young kids from around the country with dreams of ladder climbing to the flagship paper, so we were all young and pretty fresh out of…
Seriously. I go to work at 8 a.m. and have about a 10 minute commute. I have refined my morning routine for peak efficiency so that I can sleep as late as possible (usually till 7:30.)
My managing editor was also a vigorous ball scratcher. He was pretty socially unaware in general, but he would just walk right up to you while you were sitting at your desk (a.k.a. ball-eye level) and would be talking excitedly about something and just start digging into his balls through his pants, like jostling them…
It went on for weeks. I formally requested a desk change from HR after one particularly terrible day when I was hungover and headphones weren't drowning out the noise.
Also, I don't know if this counts because I actively didn't see the person doing it, but when I was in middle school a friend of mine and I went to the ladies room and I opened a stall door only to discover that someone had painted the stall with menstrual blood. It was smeared all over the floor and the stall doors…
I used to work at a newspaper. My desk was in the back of the newsroom near the sports department. The sports editor was a weird dude with a number of annoying habits, but I didn't discover the one that really did me in until he got a terrible head cold one year. He was very mucus-y, and would suck the mucus back into…
You can pick it up from all sorts of weird places. My mom and dad were your kind of typical, super nice, polite, cloistered middle class folks who never said anything worse than "pissed off" around us. But I'll never forget, one day at daycare this kid said "motherfucker" in front of my sister, who was around 5 or 6…
Me too... I was a newspaper reporter for six years. I LOVED the work and was writing about something that was more of a passion than a job for me (the environment) but there were a lot of factors that made it just not worth it in the long run. I was on call 24/7, I had a completely unpredictable schedule, very little…