
Got an article about that coming up soon!

The video is based on the creators’ own experiences, something I’ll make a note of in the article.

That’s some gorgeous artwork.

Originally teenagers and college students used it to send nudes to each other. The pictures would be deleted after a short time frame (2 hours or something like that). Now people use it to send business information that can be deleted.  

Counterpoint: if you spend every hour of your day angry, you’ll only end up hurting yourself.

No Green Ranger = No ticket.

Okay, I’ve given it two weeks to settle in but honestly I fall on the side of the people who were not impressed with this movie. My complaints echo the others. Too many call outs (tell your story, damnit), not enough character development, pacing, Grand Moff Tarkin, etc.... The more we hear of changes the more I’d

You know things are bad when even George R R Martin says there are too many people dying.

To be fair, the car in the right side could clearly see the car in front of the red car (or at least should have been able to see, because they have a clear line of sight). The driver in the Tesla car did not have the same angle and so was unable to see the second and third car past the red car.

Incorrect. The right hand lane car stopped after the auto-brake chime ended. milliseconds at 55+mph = dozens of feet.

You can tell it’s not America because a bunch of people stopped to help.

Gizmodo can’t afford Spellcheck.

Worn AirPods, have you?

This is in England. We have no monopoly on sexist moron manbabies.

I think he’s more the microphone than the star, if you know what I mean. But yeah

Can’t be late to work now, can we?

It could not be confirmed by press time whether Supreme Leader plans to grab Tim Cook by the wrists and tell him to stop hitting himself.

But surely you recognize that he will, in fact, fuck shit up.

Speaking of Twitter #DumpStarWars is trending