
@(Zombie) Jolan: And thats because your playing as a glorified weapon, I bet ODST will have a pretty darn good story to go with it, as your playing real people in suits, not the bred for war superhuman.

@Captain McNinja: Ive had this theory that the forerunners are humans from the distant future, and that The Halo weapon eliminates the floods food source by sending the rings millions of years back in time, before they have a food source to feed on. Or something like that. I just feel that time travel is involved and

@DangerousDac: Aha! Your from Northern Island. Alas, I continue on my quest to find an American who Likes Voyager :P (For the Record, I too like TNG and Voyager. Fuck it, might as well confess my liking for Enterprise too)

@Strife Fox †: Im going to go out on a wild stab here and say Strife Fox is a European?

@Hooligunn: Deep Space Nine is easily the best. Don't make me educate you. :P

Them boys got the right idea. Sharp Pokey things and Hard Blunt things.

How hard is it to do Nikos Voice? He's just generic eastern european accent number 1. Hell, im pretty sure anyone could walk in off the street and do a convincing Niko.

Heh, im all for people having weddings THEY want...but if your gonna do something like this, you either do it all out and make it look good rather than half assing and just slapping a projection of Ivory Tower on the wall. Christ, considering how much weddings usually cost nowadays, they should have been able to

Oh, *WOW* look at that Film like CG Real time gameplay, the PS3 is truly a wonder to behold!

Funny thing is, the In Game faith from the in game rendered cutscenes looks like a cross slap bang in the middle of the two.

You know what the funny thing is? Bungie STILL wont give people Recon!

@Samuri9Fingers: Also, dont forget that the kids were replaced by clones so as not to raise suspicion, I think those clones were designed to die naturally at an early age too as well...I think, its been a while since I read the book.

I love how people call out Clone Wars on the "shit animation", when if you look at it from a technical standpoint its one of the most sound pieces of 3d moviemaking outside of Pixar. And as for the style, after the first ten minutes I forgot I was watching an animation and just enjoyed the story. Even Ziro the Hutt

@Rabid Penguin: If by any extra features you mean Hi def Sexy Space Sex and Greased up Mechanics coupled with Gazillion.1 surround sound of chinese cursing and backward future talk then yes, yes it does.

Wasn't Kameo a launch title for the 360?