
I 100% agree with you. I think I’m just having trouble with the way her story is framed within the article. Maybe it’s just me, but the headline in particular threw me off. It’s a big deal that she’s talking about it, yes, especially when so many women are shamed into thinking abortions are immoral or wrong. But it’s

I agree overall that the review is complimentary. I think I’m fixated on the “Juicy gossip! She got an ABORTION!” feeling I got from the headline and how author framed the abortion as a “big reveal.” Big reveal to others who might find the idea of an abortion gossipy or juicy, yes, but the commentariat here? I

“Rivera’s big reveal is that while filming Glee in 2010, she became pregnant, and terminated her pregnancy.”

I, for one, am impressed at the new levels of trolldom achieved by our populace. Obviously ASSC has the right to exist, but is there any chance that it’s a “legitimate” club? Probably safe to say that it was founded in response to the evangelical club. It’s not only hilarious, but the fact that we can troll to this

Hmm. I am an epidemiologist (and a woman), and many authors cite themselves to point the reader to previous research, often within the Introduction and/or Conclusion sections of a paper. This is especially the case in epidemiology, where technically the results from the“same” study, spanning decades, might be