yea but it’s an extraction shooter so
yea but it’s an extraction shooter so
what makes the game so bad? this article doesn’t explain at all. but it did pique my curiosity
I don’t quite understand the appeal of “high-level play” either! For high-level play, the Civ series has often been kind of broken.
this game is ruined by the outdated hardware of the Switch
He also can reposition teammates with an ability called Life Grip that shields and pulls teammates toward him
But when are we getting Live Action Mickey Mouse?
“Games like FFVII recontextualized the skirt as feminine clothing item not only for women to wear, but to be sexualized in.”
This strikes me as an odd blanket statement. Skirts have been sexualized for far longer than their appearance in videogames, and their usage in games is reflective of their usage in reality…
I don’t even know where to start with this. Dodge rolling has always been a dumb, overused mechanic that is mostly the fault of Souls games at this point, and even there, it was limited by equipment weight and stamina.
Life lesson learned. NEVER hold someone else’s beer.
No more Wii U slander! It was a great console with a really, really good library, and a cool, but underutilized gimmick. The UI was solid, Miiverse was funny, Nintendoland was a good pack-in game. Even the bad games on the console like Star Fox Zero, Devil’s Third, etc. are more joke worthy than actually hated.
I met the guy once when he came to our studio. He even stopped by my desk to comment on all my Chrono Trigger/Cross stuff. Well, through a translator of course.
After thinking about it, she means the second break she took after the other break. She took a month off already and took a second one after the harassment from announcing to play the game she never did. So she didn’t misspoke, you are misunderstanding.
As someone who worked on it... I’m happy you finally gave it a real chance and got some enjoyment out of it. :)
? How did Apex Legends flop hard?
Pretty sure all of that is region locked though.
The article is specifically about detail distance.
Depending on viewing angle and pose, the number of ‘visible’ fingers can vary dramatically. And because these AI tools ‘break down’ the image data into generalized principles based on *regularity* of features, the fact that hands are so irregular and variable makes creating a unified output structure for anatomically…
As an artist, I can relate to having trouble drawing fingers. They’re weird.