
First of all, it’s strange that you’ve called it a “poor analogy” without explaining why it’s poor. You’ve changed the analogy’s parameters and then said it doesn’t explain the situation well. That’s not helpful.

I’m curious, where do you see that authority in the 2015 Act? I read that Act amending the 1965 Act to allow revocation of the Visa Waiver Program for folks who are from designated “high-risk” countries.

I think you’re right that it’s a question of semantics, but I’d call a ban that *targets* Muslims, even if it’s not all Muslims, a “Muslim ban.” The one thread running through the seven countries targeted is that they’re majority-Muslim. (You could say “well aren’t they all dangerous, currently?” and the answer would

Unfortunately, AAI is incorrect — the order specifically directs agencies to exempt people from religious minorities in those seven countries — i.e., anyone who’s not a Muslim.

So it’s a targeted ban, and the target is Muslims. Not all Muslims, no, but Muslims in particular.

The “no thorough vetting” argument has been

So he’s bad at doing a thing he promised to do, then. He’s still banning (some) Muslims, and the order gives his agencies the authority to ban more.

Think of it this way. If I was king of BIG LIBERAL CITY, USA, and I said “all chain restaurants that serve hamburgers are banned,” would you call that a “fast food ban”? You could still go to a corner store or a mom-and-pop shop and order a hamburger and fries, but I definitely *targeted* fast food establishments as

Because it’s a ban that affects only Muslims. Those seven nations are majority-Muslim, but the order specifically directs executive agencies to favor exemptions to the ban for people from “minority religions” (read: Christians) in those countries.

Just because it doesn’t ban every Muslim doesn’t mean it’s somehow not a

I think the story is fine and the setting is aces but you’ve got a point. Can’t wait to kick that wall 69,105 times in HD!

You know what might look better on your nose?

Only if “remaster” means “not touching that gorgeous art or amazing soundtrack in the slightest.”