
Does that mean they are irredeemable?

What is his issue, is he trying to date 19-year-olds?

I was in LA once and saw this woman throw a hissy fit at a popular sushi restaurant because she didn’t get star treatment and put ahead in line of the dozen or so people waiting. As she stormed out and into the back seat of an Escalade, partially tripping on her unusually tall-healed boots, I realized this woman had a

Anthony Hopkins and Gwyneth Paltrow were filming a movie on my college campus freshman year. The most contact I had was making polite eye contact with Gwyneth Paltrow one day, but my friend got caught by Anthony Hopkins stealing an apple from an unattended crafts services table.  Hopkins said “Did you just steal that

Yes, it is the best predictor of mass violence. The obsessive 2A people are the ones constantly screaming about how this is a mental health issue. So, then, if you aren’t going to get rid of these guns, how about we get rid of these fucking men? Remove men who abuse women from society, I don’t care where you put them. 

Yes, it is true that he, like many other mass shooters, did not discriminate by gender when he decided to go on a mass shooting spree. However, similar to other mass shooters, he perpetrated violence specifically against women before he escalating the level of violence to mass shooting without regard for his victims’

If he thinks that some 30 year old is going to be overjoyed to meet his old ass, he’s got another thing coming. People lie about their ages, heights, careers, etc. on dating sites but it doesn’t change reality. Unless he can pass for 49, which is highly doubtful, he’s in for a surprise when all his dates flee when

I bet you this dude thinks women on their 40's are too old for him.

Personally, I think they’re both gross. Ariana’s very sexy baby look creeps me the fuck out. 

Team Davidson. He’s just as entitled to talk about the relationship (or not) as she is. He made a funny self-deprecating joke- he didn’t embarrass her and didn’t share anything intimate. 

I think he felt more comfortable doing it because she was an employee of his. This actually makes it worse... or at least doesn’t help. But I think that’s how his twisted mind worked. I imagine he’s done other horrible things though. He’s a gross and despicable human being.

One of the biggest takeaways of the “Flowers in the Attic” series (and let’s be real, basically all VC Andrews books) is (1) how beauty is THE most important attribute a girl or woman can possess and (2) one of the main ways you know a girl or woman is beautiful is how literally every man she comes across is driven so

Right? I can’t imagine the right timing for this, but DAMN this ain’t it. It also really skeezed me out that it was a prank “for her husband”

Kanye has been playing Pygmalion to Kim since they got together. He changed her look, he tells her how to dress, when to have kids, etc. She’s like a sex doll he can dress up and make babies with. And she lets him.

Please know that no woman will ever fuck you uncoerced, and they sure as hell will never love you. Know this and be at peace with it.

Yeah that one was confusing and seemed more like a mournful loss of life than anything creepy. The random italicized sentences at the conclusion of the paragraphs also threw me out of my immersion in the story. 

Glad I’m not the only one who thought so. The overuse of italics really took me out of the narrative flow. 

Honestly, I thought that one was the least scary - it was so caught up in flowery language that it obscured anything scary in the story.