
I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.

If someone is driving that recklessly by tailgating, my experience tells me changing lanes isn’t the safest as they often try to change lanes and fly around. Going steading in the lane is the safe way to go - let the idiot make the moves..

“My chipped Camaro will do 200.”

Pretty sure the teardrop tattoo is what you get for murdering someone. So hot.

Can someone post a text description of each plot hole?

<Implying she hasn't just been asleep for the last 40 years

if having to pick a different baker for your wedding cake is harming you...your life is pretty good.

yes of course.

Are you under the impression that I somehow wasn’t aware I was proposing discrimination? I find the idea that the government can force private business to provide goods/service to someone outrageous...and I don’t care if that is a deeply held religious belief or not.

It is outrageous that this bill is even being suggested...where are the promoters of freedom? If I own a floral shop I should be able to refuse service for whatever reason I want. I wholeheartedly think it is stupid to deny gay weddings your service...but I agree that is your right and that right should be protected

buy another car

I’m waiting for the second part in this series where you try to bleed the brakes and can’t get any of the rusted bleeders open without stripping them or breaking them. Lets call it “How to replace a wheel cylinder or Caliper”.

They will only be relieved the last time. The last time you don’t show up at their party or answer your own front door, then they will be relieved to finally be able to say to themselves, “I am just totally over this person and their ways.”

“When you suddenly cancel on friends, you are doing them a favor. You are in effect giving them a snow day, even if they didn’t realize they wanted one.”

Am I the only one that kind of wants a zany, fun Batman? Like the old 60s TV show? Or a family friendly Superman where he’s the giant boy scout he was written as? I’m getting more and more weary of the dark, grimy, grimdark portrayls.

Perhaps Frats should have some RULES if not followed ban you from society :

Trump is going to run as an independent and I can’t wait.

Seriously. A white guy learning kung-fu secrets is even slightly transgressional by stereotype standards. An asian dude with mystic martial arts powers is not.

Not every character Marvel casts has to be a gay black amputee I’m so sorry.

Counterpoint: No it doesn’t.

That’s not any better, really. It’s taking away votes that can allow the Republicans to win. Every vote matters because honestly, a third party will not be winning.