
When Tambor lets her settle his counter-suit for a shoebox half-filled with shoplifted makeup, is when I start to believe in the legal system.

That font tho... *chef’s finger-tip kiss*

Can we talk about how 11's response to the awful McPunk fashion was to go completely and utterly New Wave? And how that single handedly saved the entire season for me?

Winter 2018 is definitely still in play as far as I can tell. I scanned the quote and misread it as “through summer” which definitely pushes this back to spring 2019, but if its “to summer” instead, that could give 6 solid months for edit/post resulting in a winter premier. That said.. with Westworld s02 airing in

I’m so glad I’m not you.

“We have an amazing story! It’s incredible! Way better than the first film” simmer down donald trump, and Im guessing no you dont.

Every keystroke tarring and feathering this guys perspective ticks the balance another fraction of a degree towards Trump 2020. You were warned.

I dont understand how the write of this article missed that.

Cosigned. I finished, slept like a baby, then started it over the next day and loved every minute until I finished it again. Pretty sure round 3 is coming but bumping up the difficulty, as I’m getting the hang of CC via corruption arrows.

lol mad.

And had it stayed in sci-fi, perhaps it would have had some potential, instead of hamstringing it’s own tenuously propped up crypto-mythology and diving wildly into the world of Oh Shit How Do We Wrap This Up style plot reconciliation.

Cho is running out of wagons to fall off of.

Is anyone else struggling with how downright benevolent Negan has been? Even including the Glenn & Abraham killings, which were justified by any stretch of the imagination. Where is all this psychotic violence he’s allegedly on the cusp of? Rick & Co killed what, 30 of his men and lost one (1) because of it. Negan

“Good movies can even more shocking; Furious 7...” hah ahah a ahh ahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaahahah aa hahahahahahahahahahahaahhah

The only thing these writeups accomplish for me is spelling out how badly architected a show has to be to foment this much wild speculation, especially considering how essential this much wild speculation is to making ANY SENSE AT ALL of what the last 5 hours have placed on the table. I’m tired of it. It gives me

I kinda feel like Oliver Stone just kinda totally lost his fucking mind during the filming of his Kennedy conspiracy film and everything hes done since then has been another ugly episode of his ongoing public meltdown. They could not have found a worse director for this film.


Your faith in Kitano not phoning in a paycheck performance is touching. But at this point, I’m having trouble getting there.