
I get it, it’s a lame joke. But you don’t have to get all testy about it.

Just finishing the Tour de France takes balls -- or “a ball” as the case may be. 

I have never...attempted to gain a competitive advantage.

the retirement of offensive lineman Richie Incognito

Sorry Samer, but I’m gonna be that nitpicky guy…

I bet after ball #4, Sergio was thinking about screaming “Dilly Dilly” so security would come and escort him off the course.

Oh God, thank you Tom Ley. I’ve been arguing for this for years and was beginning to think I was crazy. Mention that around certain fans and they react as if you said you were a proponent of eugenics, despite it being the only real way to instantly eliminate tanking.

Yes, yes, no, lol

People who suffer from motivated blindness will never see sexism, even when it happens right in front of them. Do better than this.

You’re looking for a reason to be offended when there isn’t a reason. Did you watch the video? Be better than this.

I think the idea is that it would interrupt your life and make you think about the issues. What is inconvenient for some draws attention to what is life threatening for others. That and it’s a larger audience for the protest and will draw more media attention.

I would absolutely watch a Wide World of Sports that was just Darren Rovell attempting basic motor skills.

There are few universal truths. Fire is hot. Water is wet. Will Cain is an idiot.

It would be nice if more English-speaking reporters learned Spanish and stopped whining about Spanish-speaking players not learning English.

Are we sure she actually petted the dog and wasn’t just examining its suitability as a future coat?

Once they took the ashtrays off the curling sheet it was over.

Longing for the good old days when fat, old white dudes dominated the Olympics.

And yet, somehow, Cavendish blamed Peter Sagan.

It’s very hard to watch this video—and especially this video, which zeroes in on Redick’s message—and not wonder whether J.J. Redick is, in fact, trying to smuggle an insult into what is otherwise meant to be a greeting.