
Goddamn it, The Dumbass Kings is a way better title than Fire and Fury.

As a former crosser I have to say... less cowbell. Please.

I did the Rock Cobbler in 2015 and it was the most brutal, yet ridiculously fun and best organized cycling event I’ve ever done.

I guess you could say that the allegation did not survive the ground

Dude, Bud Selig is a hall of famer.

so you are certain that no massive cheaters have been elected? how about managers who directly benefitted from the massive cheating?

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

Counterpoint: Baseball and soccer arguments are ridiculous poorly acted charades.

Thank you for understanding exactly who I was referring to.

What? You want to destroy Jeter’s career retroactively?

I love statcast and want 100% more of it involved in broadcasts. Finally we can have better ways of rating players and get rid of the “gold glover” nonsense type of arbitrary thinking.

That’s Zwart Piet. He’s a Moor, but many people are calling for less.

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

He has a penchant for beating people who have boobs

iOS 11 Is Killing Me

Okay, look. I’m not the first person to say this, and I certainly won’t be the last. But iOS 11 is bad. The new

I’ve heard of chemtrails controlling our minds, but now they’re trying to give us the clap too.

So the big topic of a Republican Senatorial candidate embroiled in a sex scandal will end with a Democratic Senator being forced to resign. Like clockwork.

My wife and I lost our son at 39 weeks of pregnancy early last year, and I’m feeling pretty mixed about this.

To be fair, that season was after the Tigers lost Justin Verlander at point guard.

But not the storebought kind, no sir! After I gather up the hoof clippins’, I render em’ down and make my own paste. It’s free and it keeps my boots waterproof in a pinch as well!