“My first takeaway is that skiing is exponentially easier to learn than snowboarding.”
“My first takeaway is that skiing is exponentially easier to learn than snowboarding.”
Who wouldn’t throw an ashtray at Richard Dreyfuss? The man is a dick. Did you see him in What About Bob?
It really looked to me like the ball caught a lot of arm well below the shoulder. I can’t see how it wasn’t a handball and how that wasn’t at least addressed by the in studio rules tsar?
A trebuchet is the superior siege engine. Catapults may be ok for AYSO or perhaps some sort of penal league involving Burt Reynolds but any competitive match would benefit from the superior technology offered bu the trebuchet.
THANK YOU!!! Yes, the guy in the video is doing it exactly, 100%, right.
Loved it although... I loved his sequel even more. Spiderman 2 was the most “Sam Raimi” of the movies. Some of the shots where identical to classic shots in Evil Dead (the zoom in the morgue as fingers claw at the tile). I feel he ironed out the kinks a bit, had a better story and made a nearly perfect super hero…
Not really. He is exhibiting more than enough control in his lowering of steel plates on to a padded surface. Go to any powerlifting gym that uses steel and you’ll see the same thing. Also, dropping steel plates is no worse (sometimes better) than bumper plates. The main cause of bar wear from dropping comes from defle…
He is lowering the weight in the exact manner a power lifter should lower the weight. That weight is also clearly, well below his max, he’s probably at around 80% there.
Ho-Lee-Shit!!! Wow. Ok, I have spent over two decades as a strength coach and “gym dude” and what I just saw there may have been the most egregious display of doucheyness ever witnessed in a gym.
Essentially, it would be like soccer in most of the world but without relegation (which would be extra double awesome! but will never happen...). With a hard cap and no draft, you would be motivated to try and win every year. Tanking would serve no purpose. You wouldn’t get any draft picks because they don’t exist and…
I see you have cited chiropractors, that’s great! Also, do you have source that is not a heaping load of bullshit?
If you don’t want tanking; get rid of the draft entirely and just put a hard spending cap in place. Problem solved.
Yes, this photo is sideways. I do not know why. Anyway, wife works for the Kings. Everyone is still locked in, being given free pizza in exchange for watching the Kings. Seems like a dubious trade at best.
It’s almost as if by disrupting something people enjoy, the protest will be more noticeable and therefore, successful. Weird.
Ok, so maybe this sort of thing favors the royal gentry of Monaco more often than not but... I love it! My favorite part of the Olympics is seeing normal people representing their countries, just getting into the games. They’re actual amateurs and isn’t the Olympics supposed to be about amateur athletics? It’s…
I mean, they ran it twice from 1st and goal before passing on third and fourth down and there was only 30 seconds on the clock...
TV Ted is jerk but... So are any athletes who complain to the refs. I think sports like soccer and basketball where abuse of officials is commonplace would be much better off if they ejected any player who argued a call in a disrespectful manner. In rugby, the only person allowed to speak to the ref is the team…
I’m surprised teams don’t do this more often. With touchbacks going to the 25 combined with the ability to recover untouched kicks, you put a lot more pressure on the receiving team to not screw up and with little downside for the kicking team.
Actual footage of Eli being prepped to go back to his starting position.
Forest Whitaker looked good for a second there!