Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

Damn right!
Her with Matt LeBlanc turned my stomach.

The Charlie's Angels movies don't count?

Hubba, hubba, hubba.

I thought it was guilt!

That pun is so bad, it should take you three days to resurrect your sense of shame.

So, way less evil than Samsung then.

The great thing about the number zero is that it can be easily converted between most units of measurement. 0 centuries = 0 years = 0 minutes = 0 femtoseconds.

Well, unlike the U2 album, this one you have to opt in on.

In the embedded video, one of Chaos attacks is to fart a large green gas cloud.

That's the one where the dinosaur record executive steals the mammals' songs and has them re-recorded by mainstream dinosaur singers.

Or Joan Rivers.

And a private comment history.

So, is this where Bucky O'Hare came from?

Somewhere I have a DMV handbook with his portrait and signature on the introductory page.

This pun thread makes me want to Scream.

Much like being President, being a quarterback ages you a lot quicker.


It could also mean that special teams give up a lot of yards, so that opponents have short fields.