Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

This isn't a big deal. When I was in college, the local liquor store would deliver within 30 minutes.

This is the rare instance where they can have two different thoughts in their heads.

Also, "artisanal".

I'm not sure he would say this.
Trump only likes to insult people that can vote.

Ha, yes, but that's more of an post college early twenties figuring out your life movie in the vein of Reality Bites.

You'd think with Seinfeld money he could get a better sign.

I suspect they will.

I had a bootleg copy of 2 Live Crew's As Nasty as They Wanna Be. I wrote nothing on the tape label except to put a blue dot.

Chapter 11: Eyes need to be thin slits. No, even thinner than that!

In the late 80's, Marvel did the same thing for the Transformers. Basically, it was the bio from the back of the toy boxes but they would list each Transformers abilities in detail and their weaknesses. It was a four issues series with the fourth issue dealing exclusively with the Transformers introduced in the movie,

"Obama's jackbooted browncoat thugs exterminated logical conservative thinkers"

I keep thinking of it as the Dell logo

This is one of the few websites where it is safe to read the comments.

Not only gender-friendly but kid-friendly ones as well.

Beer doesn't make you fat, it's the effect of the alcohol slowing down the body's fat burning capabilities. That's why lite beers are a joke. They have fewer calories (110 vs. 150) but not that much less alcohol.

Well, a broken clock…

Alanis Morrisette would call this ironic.

I think it stands for Realllllllllly-long.

You're sure he's gonna need prosthetics?

8 is considered to be a lucky number, so he'll call it The 8-full Eight.