Near me, there's a Vietnamese restaurant called Pho-nomenal.
Near me, there's a Vietnamese restaurant called Pho-nomenal.
My college experience was nothing like that.
Where does Stephen Baldwin rank in comparison to Adam?
Also, anything by Axl Rose.
You corksucker!
And Google and Microsoft stock fell a little over 5%…they're in on it!
"Synchronize Swatches!"
You never studied.
"If it's not Scottish…IT'S CRAPPP!!"
Whenever someone says "In theory, it should work.", my response is "In theory, communism works. In theory."
So, reading thru these comments, I realize that we are the ancestors to those aliens in the TNG episode "Darmok."
At my work, we perform a lot of high precision measurements. Every so often I break out "No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!"
Not exactly. "Dumbass" was from Beavis and Butthead. "It's pronounced Du-Mas" was from The Shawnshank Redemption.
"When does the hurting stop?"
At college during the Fall of 1993, Beavis and Butthead had become very popular. Whenever someone would call someone else a "dumbass", I would respond, "It's pronounced Du-mas."
I sometimes have to wear safety goggles at work and when they inevitably get fogged up, I say:"The googles! They do nothing!"
When I need to break bad news: "Tell him about the twinkie."
"Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."
"Well, the world's a twisted place…"
Coming? It's not even breathing hard!