Uncle Jesse had a car called Black Tilly that he had used to run moonshine. I believe he had secret compartments for storing moonshine. They used it in the episode where they were entering Uncle Jesse's moonshine in an alternative fuel contest.
Uncle Jesse had a car called Black Tilly that he had used to run moonshine. I believe he had secret compartments for storing moonshine. They used it in the episode where they were entering Uncle Jesse's moonshine in an alternative fuel contest.
Accidents happen.
Well, there's the logical stance of not encouraging inbreeding.
On a related (heh) topic, I remember reading some forum for the show Reaper when Sock hooked up with his step sister. Everyone on that forum was aghast that Sock would do such thing. I didn't understand why. The weren't blood related. They didn't grow up together. And they only became step-siblings after they were…
On your recommendation, I'm gonna watch it right now.
I saw them in 2004 in a small venue.
That reminds me that McDonald's had a line of Transformers for their Happy meals that was menu items that changed into robots.
You know guys, it's easy to make fun of Trump for his hair, or his face, or the horrible things he says
Wouldn't putting the moonshine in your trunk be the most obvious place for the cops to find it?
Every once in a while, though, he gets something right:
1) Thimerasol hasn't been used in U.S. vaccines since 1999.
2) Thimerasol contained traces amount of the ethyl mercury compund which is easily expelled from the human body. The dangerous compund is methyl mercury, which is found in fish, because it can't be easily expelled and builds up.
And then Quaid wakes up and says, "Maybe Ah should try the M-ahs trip instead…"
Well, at the end of the first movie, he's got a better hair style (not slicked back with motor oil) and he's playing tennis. He drives a BMW and is a successful writer. Seems he was pretty cool to me.
A different approach would be to make his flaw that now that his dad is cool and successful, he feels pressure to live up to his dad's example.
My head canon is that due to the change in history in the first movie, he no longer feared rejection. After all his dad was a successful writer and his older siblings were no longer losers.
Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?
That's the one day they won't post that meme.
Well, they had backing from the Soviets at that time.
Especially considering that Roberts was one of the dissenters…
You have to do a little reading between the lines:
"Expression, sure enough, is a freedom, but anyone in a long-lasting marriage will attest that that happy state constricts, rather than expands, what one can prudently say."