Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

Or Scalia's dissent where he airs dirty laundry about his marriage.

Obama beating the Clinton machine is the definitive proof that he was born a U.S. citizen.

Rudy: Your husband got blowjobs in the White House from his mistress!

Is it?

I hear ya.

Bu then Dean became head of the DNC in 2005, and one could argue that his 50 State Strategy is what lead the Democrats victories in 2006 and 2008.

You know, it's that attitude that gave us Bush over Gore…

How do you not make money at a casino?

But that was more a consequence of how the Democratic primaries work different than the Republican ones. In the Democratic primaries, they apportion delegates based on your percentage of the vote in each state. In the Republican ones, it is a winner take all.

These early polls are basically meaningless.

It was a grand experiment on nature vs. nurture.

The more obvious metric is number of tickets sold but that might reveal that less people are going to the movie theaters.

Yeah, it's from the scene where they are stealing cars from the train at the beginning of Fast 5.

The case I used for my computer in college had it and it was a keyboard lock. The great thing about it was that you could lock the keyboard while your computer was running so that even if someone could guess your screeensaver password, there was no way for them to enter it in.

In OS X, when you drag the icon for the optical disk, the trashcan icon changes into an eject symbol so it's a little more obvious.

It would be a 90's PC running Windows, so he would constantly running Disk Defragger too.

The other perspective is that, you really shouldn't need to be a computer expert in order to use a computer, Just like(WARNING: car analogy ahead!) you don't need to be a car mechanic in order to drive a car.

"Boss" Hogg's real name is J.D. Hogg, as in Jefferson Davis Hogg. In one episode, his twin brother comes to town, A.L. Hogg, as in Abraham Lincoln Hogg.

In the show, the one season Bo and Luke were gone was because they were competing on the racing circuit. Luckily, they had a spare set of cousins, Coy and Vance, to take their place.