Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

I remember when I "acquired" a copy of Windows 95, it came with a couple of music videos, one being Weezer's Buddy Holly.

I remember really enjoying this song in 1995:

Less scratching than CDs?

The great thing about DVDs was that in a few years they became reasonably priced. And with extra features, like commentary tracks, you got more bang for your buck.

Creed and Nickleback are pretty low standards to measure against.

Marvel one-upped (so to speak) DC by printing a bunch of titles that were numbered -1.

Not to mention he was a recovering alcoholic who would probably only order an O'Douls.

Exactly. That's why Winchester was a better replacement.
Sure he was pompous and elitist, be he was also damn fine surgeon.

"Just gotta finish sweeping your halls and replacing the urinal cakes, and I'm all yours!"

So did they get quintuplets to play the baby?

Not to mention that Rodney was seducing his girlfriend at the same time.

In the movie, Cameron is the hero. He's the one who experiences actual growth and resolves to sit down and have an adult conservation with his father. Ferris? He suffers very few consequences for his actions and engages in baby talk with his parents.

A funny thing to realize is that if he hadn't played hooky and caused his sister to become obsessed with busting him, then his mom wouldn't have blown her real estate deal and she would have used her commission from the sale to buy him a car.

Reason 1,356: Dennis Miller is in it.

Here's a couple of classics for all you vector calculus fans:

I did a theatrical performance on puns.

Here's the thing: I don't think that Biff A had the opportunity to rape Lorraine A because I don't think she would have parked with George A. Most likely, they were driven to the dance by Lorraine's father.

You forgot a little movie called Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Yes, Nancy Reagan was the worst.

Sorry, no, GI Joe and Transformers don't hold up at all.