Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce


That bar is so low I tripped over it.

I like the version they did for Tron: Legacy.

Let's circle back to you main idea.

Yes, in the 90's…after I graduated high school.

I was born in 1974 and graduated from high school in 1992.

Everyone knows that the Cardigans big break came when they appeared on Beverly Hills 90210.

Didn't he play a UPS delivery man in King of Queens?

Everyone says start with 1 but understand, it's a cliche undercover-cop-gains-respect-for-the-criminal plot.
2 is fun and it expands the cast. No Vin Diesel though.
3 is a weird duck. No one from the first two movies are in it but it does introduce a character who goes on to having a role in the next three. It also has

It could be that in your circle, you were into music. And that your parents would be willing to buy music for a 5 year old.

I hate to tell you this but that actually was a real episode of Big Bang Theory.

No, he called him a fog. And what's worse than being called a weather condition that results in reduced visibility.

Sexy Velma is redundant.

Three words for you: Shades of Grey.

I agree that the gay stereotypes were tired. At least they didn't have Jessica go into a panic and worry that she turned Oscar gay. Louis, instead of being revolted by the revelation that Oscar was in love with him, was apologetic and was worried that he had lead Oscar on.

That's what the money is for!

"he coerces her into have consensual sex"

Can't wait until I have to explain to my kids the climatic scene in Big Daddy, "Well back in the day…"

Was that the show where he had the bit about leaving two objects on a sidewalk to see which one people would pick up first?
For example, a snorkel and a bong. The highlight was an inner tube and an inflatable sheep. I leave it to you to figure which one was picked up first.

I think they explained that he manipulated the blood in people's brain because blood contains iron…ah, you're right, it's a comic.