Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

He's not the source of the magnetism. He's manipulating the earth's magnetic field.

Not with those claws…

No love for Turbo?

To be fair to "21 Jump Street", the premise of the show was adults going undercover as teenagers.

Let's break this down:
They're all lying about their age? No.
Do they all know each other? No.
They laugh about it? Maybe.
They laugh about me? Okay, this I buy.

I hear ya.

I've known a lot of Asian women in my life, and they look way younger than their age.

Has anyone watched the Parallels movie?
It's another re-hash of the Sliders concept and not too bad.
But it abruptly ends after 80 minutes. Doing a little research, I discovered that it was supposed to a pilot for a series that never got picked up.
I'm a little torn. On one hand, it would have been nice to see the series

And you have to link to the video.
Even Glenn Beck gives a look that says, "dude, do you know how crazy you sound?"

I thought it was the dad who said he looked "Indian" and that it was in reference to the henna tattoos.

I think it would have been funnier if the captions were "Hodor, Hodor, Hodor" and "I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot".

The fangs give me pause.

Like when they release TV shows with all the original music replaced with their generic counterpart.

I'm sure that someone has already mentioned this but the licensing fees for this will be enormous. The book is full of 80's properties.

Ready Player One has an optimistic and happy ending.

I haven't read all the comments yet, so I'm sure someone else pointed this out but anyway…

I just watched the finale and it was what I would have expected from this show.