Actually, it's an initialism not an acronym since it's not a pronounceable word.
Actually, it's an initialism not an acronym since it's not a pronounceable word.
Or how I watched re-runs of Brady Bunch in the early eighties because what else was there on?
Considering Boy Meets World aired in prime time and started in 1993, I have expected them to be able to do better storylines and such.
Boy Meets World was part of ABC's TGIF lineup.
As someone close to your age (graduated in 1992), the only reason I ever watched an episode of Saved by the Bell was to see a pre-90210 Tiffani-Amber Thiessen.
Also notice that as Sam and Cindy are talking to him, he's putting away a selection of hunting knives. Something tells me that Mike wasn't there to buy canned beans.
I'd argue that there is glimmer of hope that one might have sex with a friend.
I beg to differ.
Jean Weir: [speaking to Lindsay about her virginity] Honey, tell her about Korea.
Harold Weir: Korea? Well, one day I went to Seoul on a weekend pass and I went to this bar, and I had a few to many. And I followed a couple of my buddies to the Red Light District…
Jean Weir: Your fathers first time wasn't special and…
Oh god, that Avenegers cartoon. It was horrible because they didn't use the big three of Iron Man, Thor or Captain America. And they had this thing where they powered up and donned battle suits.
Marvel put out a lot of middling cartoon series in the 90's. Besides X-men, they did Spider-man, Fantastic Four, Iron man, Incredible Hulk and the weirdest cartoon series ever, Silver Surfer. I swear for most of the Silver Surfer's 13 episode run, he just floats around space having an internal monologue about…
There's a post out there on the Internet by Greg Weisman stating that Sony retained the rights to the story lines and character designs. If Marvel wanted to make more episodes of Spectacular Spieder-man, they would have to license them from Sony. I guess they decided it would be better to just create a new series than…
There was a second appearance where an old friend(boyfriend?) of Firestar tries to get revenge on her and the X-Men and takes over the mansion and exploits their individual weaknesses. The one scene I remember vividly is Cyclops it trapped inside a room with no lights because his weakness is he's afraid of the dark.
Not as unpopular as you think. Evolution, in my opinion was better. First, the animation was better. Second, the characters developed over time like Rogue starting with the brotherhood and eventually switching sides. Third, they were willing to change the status quo. They spent the first two seasons doing everything…
Kim Possible?
I remember when they would show the Spider-Man live action show from the '70s. One episode had Peter Parker thrown in into jail. So you go from seeing Peter in prison clothes in the jail cell to seeing him break out in his Spider-Man costume. And you had to wonder: where did he keep that costume and those big web…
I thought that it was a crappy looking video as confirmed by her character's line "Is that supposed to be me?" I know I couldn't see the detail very well so I was convinced that it was a younger version of her. My mind may be tricking me though.
I thought that it was a crappy looking video as confirmed by her character's line "Is that supposed to be me?" I know I couldn't see the detail very well so I was convinced that it was a younger version of her. My mind may be tricking me though.
"So given that Cheech And Chong’s Next Movie came out in 1980, how old were the writers suggesting that tape was precisely? I’m not disputing the suggestion that Edelstein is attractive enough to play a much younger version of herself, but how long ago was she in business school, exactly?"
"So given that Cheech And Chong’s Next Movie came out in 1980, how old were the writers suggesting that tape was precisely? I’m not disputing the suggestion that Edelstein is attractive enough to play a much younger version of herself, but how long ago was she in business school, exactly?"