The court should be paying him $20,000 for his service to the community.
The court should be paying him $20,000 for his service to the community.
It’s like a twisted version of Pay It Forward.
The Mario Kart Analogy remains my fave. :)
“Lastly, there must be Berserkshires every year or no more RHONY!” - a special extra star for this! I will never stop yelling, “I MADE IT NICE!”. I want a Dorinda Berkshires birthday 3 episode arc every year.
I guess if you take it totally out of context, it might seem like I was saying that.
this is only about “being fit” or “looking good”
this could be me at paying off student loans, still working and eating cat food mixed with green beans. #dontjudge
“Dear HR. Sarah continues to keep eating healthy at work. She always consumes protein and vegetables for lunch. She’s really in shape and looks good and is happy and I hate it. Please fire her. I’m not at all a bitch. Thanks, First time caller.”
Please go for it and report back to us on how well that one works out?