Danette Chavez

I meant to put this in stray observations, but: I am looking forward to an entire series of Sweded properties. "Look out, Mr. Banks!" "You saved my life!" was right up there with the Bluebloods parody.

The stinger was also great. Did that make it to air?

UGH, I'M SORRY. I don't know why this didn't post overnight on Wednesday. I will be more diligent about checking Disqus, because y'all brought this up a while ago. http://www.avclub.com/tvclu…

There were no screeners for parts 2 and 3, but I'm prepared to watch them in real time.

It's bound to come up. Catherine Zeta-Jones plays de Havilland here, but I wonder if she'll actually reprise the role.


I am blanking on that episode, but thanks for the reminder!

How could you forget Aisha Tyler playing some kind of scientist?

I can see that, in part because I want a Liz spin-off, but I don't think you have to worry. Her standalone episode is amazing this season. I feel like everyone stepped's up—cast and crew.

_That's_ what this reminds me of!

Freudian slip or typo—take your pick.

It's been fixed!

The tour lineup is pictured above, so rest easy.

First thing I thought of when I saw the news!

It has Sony money.

February 16! That'll be part of our TCA roundup post.

Patti would have made them take her to Navy Pier AND to build a Build-A-Bear.

He just started writing for season three, I believe.

Yeah. So, who do we blame for that: FX, or Tom Hardy?