Danette Chavez

Yeah, I wasn't blown away by the first two episodes, but Hardy & Co. said it takes 3 episodes to find its sea legs.

You keep us honest.

Nah, not so much. But it's been corrected.

I like to call this show Real Genius: Chicago Law & Order Edition

I always forget I'm signed into my old account by default or something. I really have to figure that out.

Does this help?

Oof. I've corrected. The weird thing is, that's the correction Pages suggests.

I'm sold.

You're not wrong.

It's been revised, thanks.

I will probably spend the rest of the weekend thinking about these things.

If that happens, does it mean we'll go back to making fun of Gen Xers?

I didn't mean to protest that quite so vehemently. That's just my gut feeling, but I will obviously watch a second season. As you said, if anyone can make a second season work, it's this team.

Looking back, that sex scene seems to demonstrate just how disconnected and in denial he and Dory were. I was surprised by how much I grew to like Drew, so was glad the finale was kind of a redemption for him.

Yes, I also interpreted that as a lack of interest, but I thought the spark had just gone. But according to Drew, they were never really into each other, not in that way.

This is why they will need to make sequels.

The second episode picks up the pace, and is available on Epix's website for free, if you feel like giving this another chance.

I have DirecTV as well, so I'm wondering how I can keep up with this. But the first two episodes are streaming for free on Epix's website. No need to log in with your satellite/cable provider or anything.

Yeah, Awkafina's name got cut off there, but I've reinserted. Thanks!

I grew up listening to Juan Gabriel, so I glommed on to the obit when it was posted. I can't speak for anyone else in the AVC, but I'm not familiar with Gustavo Cerati, though it looks like he had quite a career himself. Can you recommend an entry point?