Dan Electrode

Due to a lack of content I haven’t seen and it being 4 AM I ended up watching this- and the moment I saw Julie I began to wonder just how much she was paid to be in this “film” 

The real cheating was that he paid for all that salmon!

Swiss francs. Swedes have kroner.

If she doesn’t end up with any one of them, that’s NOT different than last time. She wound up with neither Greg nor Josh.

Yeah, this week we got two reprise songs and one new one that probably should’ve been a third as long as it was.

And I’m not into this one-date-each scheme because we know the issue here is longevity, not chemistry. (I think I’m Team Nathaniel by default because Greg and Rebecca will always torture each other and Josh

And the head demon from season 1* bears a striking resemblance to Ben Wyatt.

Eliott’s freakout while digging had me laughing so hard and also his “and we let her have the front seat?!” was great. Everyone is excellent in this. Can’t wait to see where this season goes!

& almost 30 years ago:

Post season 6 though he The Office gets really bad.