Dan Electrode

On mars. With his fingers in his ears, and his eyes... *shut*.

Erik Adams mentioned and linked to it in his Wayne’s World write-up.

While they never came out and said it, I think Breaking Bad implied pretty heavily that Gretchen left Walter for Elliott and Walter left Grey Matter as a result.

I remember on the Princess Bride commentary Carey Elwes and Mandy Patinkin saying they kept catching themselves making sword-clashing sounds when filming their duel on top of the Cliffs of Insanity.

I kind of assumed it was Moffat since he and Day do so many pieces as a pair, but who’s to say that it wasn’t just some random PA or whatever? The NBC SNL listing for the sketch doesn’t list anyone outside the non-sasqatch cast members for the sketch either.

Yeah, there’s others as well. Marc Evan Jackson played a recurring lawyer character on Parks & Rec and he’s Shawn on The Good Place now. Seth Morris (Eleanor’s boss from the supplement pyramid scheme) was a TV reporter in a couple episodes of Parks & Rec too.

Not only does Dennis Feinstein bear a strong resemblance to Derek, Eleanor herself has a doppelgänger in Ingrid De Forest, the Eagleton-nominated challenger in Leslie’s recall election in Season 6.

I’m guessing she just heard “... musician... hometown of Detroit...” and buzzed in?

Yeah, the guard grudgingly befriending the cannibal because he was the only other available social outlet was really reminiscent of that. I assume it was just a case of parallel thinking, but it’s an odd coincidence.

I had kind of forgotten about the Rubik’s Cube, I’m guessing it will conveniently do away with Karl right before he decides to “paint” someone.

I just meant that if he were in a writer-director-star type role, his opinion on how the characters would behave would obviously carry more weight. As it stands, he’s an actor and in general I wouldn’t trust most actors’ opinions on which are their best films and performances, it’s too hard for them to be objective.

Also it seems like a very safe bet that he’ll be back as a force ghost to tutor Rey some more in the next one.

He seems a decent fellow, and I agree with most of his politics and I like that he’s outspoken and willing to dunk on turds like Ted Cruz publicly, but since when is the actor the arbiter of what should or should not be the ultimate arc of a character?

That Will Forte sketch where he’s informing his neighbors that he’s a child molester and trying to pass it off as a Halloween costume is great.

I worked at Kohl’s a couple of times over the holiday season as a teenager and I have to say the worst was “Feliz Navidad.”

I don’t buy that for a second. The only reason she even made the list was for the satisfaction of crossing the people off. Do you think she couldn’t remember those five names without the list?

They were an item when they were first introduced on the show, then Erica started dating “New Phil,” who fathered her baby.

Yeah, I believe that Bill is dead and that any other reading of the story is silly, but I also believe that it wasn’t a mistake or oversight that Bill’s is the only name from the list that doesn’t get crossed out during the credits.

Came here to post an appreciation for “And we let her have the front seat?!” I definitely had to rewind like four times because I couldn’t stop laughing over the next couple lines.

I think he’s dead, but the thing about the credits does raise some questions, as it doesn’t seem like something that would’ve been done by accident. It’d be interesting to hear Tarantino’s explanation.