
It's pretty obvious that Peyton is less "skilled at being a dominatrix" and more "genuinely angry that Liv dared accuse her of not being good at something".

I was guessing that that was part of why she ran away from Justin after their date - the brain was encouraging her to hop in bed with him but she didn't want to let it influence a new potential relationship like that.

It might well be that they considered the chances of actually successfully pulling off such a surprise, realised that it wouldn't happen and would get spoiled anyway, and so decided that they might as well put in the trailer for hype purposes.

It's like getting an iPhone and only being able to interact with it through Siri.

Yeah, but it the guy's defense, he's only really ripping off stupid rich people with too much money. He's practically an American hero.

"Little did Kara know, but Guardian was actually her friend and co-worker boss, famed photojournalist James Olsen!"

There's already a theory that she uplifted some onions.

I'm pretty sure they'd have been content with Mike breaking down in tears or pissing himself or something - then they'd laugh in his face, call him a loser, and be content.

Yeah, I'd make a distinction between Liv trying to keep her horrifying nature as a zombie secret from everyone whenever possible, and Barry mainly focusing on keeping his awesome superpowers secret from his love interests.

Part of me does kind of hope that they will continue after that point as random bits of Season One episodes.

It's basically what I actually thought Stefan and Caroline would be about this season, that Caroline's love of being a vampire would help Stefan get over his hatred of it, and then the two of them would have awesome vampire travelling adventures together.