Daneel Olivaw

Most men perceive the topic of cunnilingus with extreme embarrassment and will definitely never publicly admit that they do it and, moreover, they like it.

We called it in the last article. Now let’s see how many more articles AV Club/Kinja pumps out about Neeson being such a virulent racist because he had one racist thought over 50 years ago that’s he’s terribly ashamed of now.

I had a cystoscopy last week. Colonoscopies are a free, no-wait Disney World ride by comparison.

Oh that was a beautiful game

And don’t forget the Arsenal fans, many of whom were rooting for the Patriots last night because they hate Stan Kroenke as much as St. Louis fans do.

“They didn’t believe in you! No one thought you would do it and you proved ALL the haters wrong. He’s too big. He’s too old. His time is up and he’ll never reach as high as he did earlier in his career. And yet, here you are, once again, lighting up the sky. Congrats, big man.”
-Tom Brady, every morning to the sun

Tommy now has as many rings as the Steelers franchise.

This dumb dumb team. This goddamn Fyre Festival of a sports franchise.

My thoughts as a Pats fan.

How did you get inside my brain?

Yes. Yes it is.

I’m currently 7 missions in and, having been an Ace Combat fan for almost my entire game-playing life, it’s exactly what I wanted from the series. Loving every second of it. Especially compared to Assault Horizon this game is incredible. It’s basically the same thing as AC4 through Zero but with all of the polish and

But they can take comfort in the fact that those people who do see the secret stuff will also finish Kingdom Hearts III only to find that they don’t understand the story.

You totally forgot about the Final Fantasy VII remake

Alternate headline

Hard disagree about the ending being pure sequel set-up. The disorienting way the camera spins around Cap as he emerges into present-day New York, and the look on his face as he realises what he’s lost (‘I had a date’) are devastating and essential to his character. People talk about Infinity War being novel as a

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Professors of Moral Philosophy must have a lot of free time to work out.

“I was traumatized, Summer, okay? Your generation wouldn’t get that.”