Brian here as a particular set of skills, skills he's acquired over a very long career. Anybody else catch that Taken quote?
Brian here as a particular set of skills, skills he's acquired over a very long career. Anybody else catch that Taken quote?
Did anyone else notice the similarities between his techno-themed binge/purge sequence and Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" video. Not sure if that was intended or by accident.
yea that stuff in season 9 was so dumb. "i wanna have a fight" or whatever. they should've broken up.
I agree he was an interesting character. I'm in the camp that thinks the last six episodes of season 7 should've been the last few of season 9. and just end it at 7.
Yea, and the pool party episode with Ryan and Gabe trying to one up each other kissing Robert's ass. but in all, it was a wreck.
he was CFO first, then CEO.
Hated that season. I'm in the middle of an office marathon and got to season 8. not sure I can do it.