
They may have called Hillary Clinton a Turd Sandwich, but they also had their Trump stand-in look right at the audience and tell them to vote for the Turd Sandwich. The message was not “Both sides are equally bad”, it was “both sides are bad but holy shit, guys, are you seriously considering voting for that guy?”.


It’s called a taste. Millions of people love this show. You do not, and that is fine, but writing such posts is unnecessary. When you do that, it always looks like you’re saying “look at me! I don’t like the thing that millions of people like! I’m differeeeeeeeeeeent!”

It would be great if you could zero in on an actual point. From what I gather, optimism is bad, and Nazis deserve a seat at the table? Do better to make a point.

Creating a non-worry to pretend to worry about to have a thing to write about, and a piece fucking stuffed with typos. The A.V. Club has definitely been infected by this shitty site.

This is a scorching take