
@Ajh: Or have the money but would rather get a computer 10x faster for half the price of a mac...

@dirt_squirrel: Run that train! it really is a cool concept though...

@Quasigizmodo: Oh, well, then I guess "those people" I mentioned were right. I'll have to check that book out.

@sleeping143: It is worthy of a facepalm for sure, but it does have it's benefits. I usually never worry about my camera gear, simply because the most I get from john q acquaintance is "oooo that's a big camera, it has to be like, what, like, $600?!" "uhhh...yeah. $600...sure."

@FiskFisk33: It's debatable on what it actually means...most people say it means "luxury" but I think that is tacky. I mean, when was the last time anyone bought a luxury car to use for work purposes. I have read that it means AsphericaL and represents the aspherical elements that make up L lens construction.

@Slinkytech: ...nobody knows what the red ring means.

Have fun with the new venture! I'll be sure to participate.

@dmc666: disagree with that one, I like my i7/5870 combo!

@learniiburn: It's running great on my compaq presario, too!

@DrkPheonix: oh, Delta difficultly...all the hours spent crawling around in cloke mode payed off better than Rosetta Stone!

Ahh, if only plants vs. zombies had a mode like this...

First off I want to say I love the eye drops photograph. And second, I just want to say nice catch [of the cheater], Mark!

Night vision scopes...really?? You Rooski's need to learn from the Chinese and just copy.

@Big-Tool: the fall..if your a noob might be a little intense as well...it's one thing to have the water rush up the wrong area w/ a bathing suit on...

@m9105826: Not really...friend of mine's dad built his own system. Granted, he is an electrical engineer and an audiophile, but it sounds the same, if not better than a Bang & Olufsen setup. And for $1400, did the power cable generate it's own electricity??

I couldn't agree more with this post. Just walking past the Monster "Premium" HDMI cables in Best Buy makes me want to gag. $90+ for a 3 foot cable???

@dtptampa: Well there you go...let's hope that article about Apple having a Verizon cell on their campus leads to something then.

@Realityism ▲: A heart click to you, sir. I was about to say the same thing, but a refresh showed your response before I did. And I thought Verizon was the only one that was CDMA? hmm..learn something new on here everyday.

Definitely a step in the right direction as this would open the door to other carriers...aka Verizon. Although, T-Mobile is still GSM, so not really.