
Quintessential unintellectual Leftist remarks we’ve all come to know and love -

why? let darwin work... i’m so sick of our litigious society demanding laws to protect people from themselves.

The best safety for firearms is training. And yet, it is strange that this is the one thing that the anti-gun supporters seem to ignore.

I was all for windows 10 until giving it a serious look. Privacy, bah...what privacy. Looks like MS took a page from Spotify and Facebook playbook with windows 10.

It’s a nice idea, but sometimes even my regular box-end wrenches won’t fit in where I need them to. There’s no way this wide-headed wrench would work for a good proportion of bolts and nuts out there.

Picking a President is like picking which bullet you’re going to be shot with.

Here is someone else who is looking pretty well fed....

Sure he's fast, but fast enough to get out of that two dollars he owes this kid??

I'll believe it when I BSOD it

So just so I know who I am supposed to assume is a Douche via the "Gizmodo Rules of Style and Etiquette", am I supposed to feel superior and mock anyone who uses these vaporizers or just the ones that have it built into their clothing?

Really? Cuter than Johnny Five? Does nobody remember when this movie was called Short Circuit in 1986?

Why would we put a woman on the $20 bill? Then it would only be worth $15!

The purpose of the US Navy for the last 140 years has been putting ships far out there so they battle starts and ends without ever reaching here.

I'm so glad we have Portland to keep this sort of shit out of everyone else's cities.

No, I nailed you for being a lazy, partisan hack. Your sarcastic response could only mean you agree with my premise, because you have no factual rebuttal to offer up. The simple fact is you wanted to file a story with minimal effort on your part that would generate the maximum click-bait potential. Accuracy and

Really? The only evidence of dumb I see here is that we have a "reporter" who can't Google for shit.

That was once of the nice things about the time. We didn't have the internets to see how everything was made. Now we are jaded and look for the flaws to pick something apart before we give ourselves a chance to enjoy it.

Shut up. It isn't about you, you attention-seeking whore.

The Dothraki entry, is not as impressive.