Pontypool's #1 DJ

Me neither. I’ve seen bits here and there and that was enough.

I was boycotting Dr. Phil before it was cool.

But the laced pot is coming out of BC, which already produces the best weed in the world. There is no need and no profit in it. It boggles the mind.

It really is. I was prescribed the patches for a while and they were defective. I almost died. I can imagine how bad the street stuff is like.

This is why I think the “classics” (pot, shrooms, coke, heroin etc.) should be legalized and controlled by the government. A friend of mine has lost several family members to fentanyl-laced pot. Like WTF? Why would anyone lace pot with fentanyl? Lacing heroin with it is bad enough and varying degrees of purity in

I live in Canada. It’s cold but we have free health care so it’s a fair trade imo.

Where I live abortions are free and most get an appointment within a week of calling the clinic. I’ve never heard of anything like this happening in my area. It does not happen because it doesn’t need to happen. No woman would choose to do what she did if she had access unless she was severely mentally ill.

Trump could use a Shawinigan Handshake.

Just make sure you buy it first. Paying shipping and customs is a bitch.

Just make sure you buy it first. Paying shipping and customs is a bitch.

I totally agree 100% and I am not condoning it whatsoever but she had to have known it would happen. She’s an adult who knew what she was getting in to. They killed his mother FFS. The British tabloids make the American ones look like Good Housekeeping.

She’s dating Prince Harry so I don’t feel that sorry for her. It was predictable that the press would go nuts and that is one hell of a consolation prize.

Same. I think she’s a terrible actor and I avoid anything that she’s in, mostly because she picks crap movies to be in. Even so, I wish her all the best.

Not everyone that has a problem with alcohol is an alcoholic and not all alcoholics remain that way for life. These are myths based on AA dogma which was written by alcoholics, not scientific facts. Much like Xenu himself.

The cynic in me thinks this was entirely intentional. When was the last time the name “Hillary Duff” was trending for any reason? No North American can claim ignorance on this subject anymore, no matter how stupid they might be.

Don’t skittles and Swedish fish contain gelatin?

So basically the only ones that are really allergen free are non-foods. got it.

Not trying to sound snarky here but what is an allergen-free candy? Kids today are allergic to so many different things that I find it hard to believe there is one candy they can all eat.