Pontypool's #1 DJ

Umm... no. I don’t even like the idea of having to pay to have my cat cremated but I understand because he’s a 20 pound beast. The clump of cells I had removed was the size of a pumpkin seed so no, not happening.

A lot of Nations are talking about running their own pot farms as full legalization nears. Might prove to be quite the industry for reserves and unlike casinos, you don’t need to be near a city and you don’t have undesirables invading the land to drink and party.

SMH. I just feel so blessed to live in a province where abortions are free and easily accessible, at least in the cities. It would be nice if birth control was free too but that’s a topic for another day.

Coming from a woman who once lived in her car it’s a bit much. I thought she was more down-to-earth than this but I guess those 2 Oscars have gone to her head.

“thank you for making a doll like me”

Good to know. She always seems to play pretty unlikable characters but I always assumed she’s awesome IRL.  

I will never get tired of that gif. NEVER!

There should be a support group for us.

After Firefly my poor soul can’t take falling in love with another short-lived Wheedon show.

Free access to guns + no access to free mental health care does not make him a monster. It makes him a victim. The fact that they are charging him as a minor is the only positive thing here. The people who put mentally ill kids behind bars for life are the real monsters.

I think we have different motivations north of the border. We had the Idle No More movement a couple of years ago and Trudeaumania 2.0 but that’s wearing thin these days. I will admit that Trump scares the shit out of us and if he wins, I will personally build a wall on our border out of beer bottles and cans of maple

I adore that man so much I would have his babies.

Neil Degrasse Tyson is the perfect role model for this. Native communities also struggle with believing the colonist’s religions and I wish we had a strong, popular role model like him.

I don’t blame you. It’s mesmerizing.

Harmed? It wasn’t her address, just her cell number. She can throw the phone out and buy 10 more. Not a huge deal but still a good effort from Rob.

Random Fact: John Barrowman (show queen extraordinaire) was up for the part of Will but they felt he was too straight so they went with a straight actor instead.