Pontypool's #1 DJ

How nice would you and your husband be if you had been kidnapped at 5, spent the next ten years being forced to eat your own vomit and getting raped by priests, return to your community and be rejected because you no longer speak the language, which was beaten out of you by the way. You have no traditional or modern

Modern discussions about depression are important but so is the cultural component in situations like this. Often these communities have no traditional teachers left. They were all destroyed by residential schools and the Indian Act. Native kids who are given an opportunity to learn about their traditions and “walk

Too much trouble and it would make martyrs of them. Just make it taxable and it will die out quickly.

I’ve made lots and lots of mistakes but signing my child up for a billion years of slavery is not one of them. I did sign him up for saxophone lessons once...yikes!

And we are all free to follow whatever path we choose. Just don’t drag your kids along.

Unless you were born into it there is no excuse for handing over your kids. These people were raised is mainstream society. They had a responsibility and they failed.

Sadly, that’s not the first time I’ve heard that.


At least they haven’t jumped to opening “schools” and orphanages to make it easier to abuse children like some religions. *thumbs up*

Anyone who thinks this is a reasonable document should not be allowed to procreate, let alone raise children.

Me too. I prefer speed, much quicker recovery time.

It might seem like hyperbole until you remember cults like Jonestown and Waco. Religion can be just as deadly as hard drugs.

I understand all of that very well. Humans are flawed and we all make mistakes in life. But as parents, we have a responsibility to protect our children from the evils of world. We aren’t always successful in protecting them from child molesters and insane cults but we can’t actively seek them out and then act like we

You are right that all they can do now is try to fix their mistake.

Glad you got out. If it helps, the world will absolutely end one day and what you believe won’t change a damn thing :)

Ditto. I raised my child in a similar manner by exposing him to all possible options and he chose atheism. Given all the religious extremism in the world today, I am very OK with his choice even if I don’t agree.

I love you.

Yeah sorry but no. A little critical thinking could have saved them years of suffering and as parents, they have that responsibility for their kids.