Pontypool's #1 DJ

I wish them the best of luck and I hope their kids get out but... Maybe they should have been more careful before indoctrinating themselves and their children into a psychotic cult.

Make it longer with sleeves and it looks like some messed-up Quiverfull nursing dress. I keep expecting those side panels to be attached with velcro or something.

OMFG! That’s the exact issue my sister had. It resulted in a insane road trip to the states to buy some dress made for small-chested girls. She made us listen to Snow the entire way.

The first one doesn’t sound too bad until you do the math. Early 40s + previously married + single for a decade = was he married for 5 minutes in his 20s?

I was really rooting for Blac Kardashian. It just sounds...like it would piss Kris off so much!

My sister looks like Anna Kendrick but nowhere near as cool. She’s like the big sister I always wished I had.

That’s it! That’s exactly IT!

I completely agree. Hopefully the CBC case is airtight.

Yes, we are all one homogeneous group that all have the exact same beliefs, traditions and stories from the Arctic to Patagonia.

I know. There are a thousand lesser-known stories she could have bothered to learn but instead she went with the one so popular it has its own TV show. I call that lazy.

No one. That’s like asking who is authorized to speak for all of Europe.

Or you could learn about it from the source and get their permission. Unlike magicians, natives are REAL.

Of course some would. Some people just like to complain, regardless of race. I’m stating what my personal standard is. I’m not entirely opposed to someone of her profile sharing respectful teachings because I understand that is how most people will ever learn them. I just don’t find this very respectful.

If she spent a few months learning from real Elders, not plastic shamans, and had their permission I would be on board. Just picking the skin walker stories reeks of colonial bullshit.

I hear you. It’s like people thinking they have to support Caitlyn just because she’s trans. I can respect the fact that she is a woman but still think she’s a cunt.

It’s Alberta and those kids are white. They aren’t going anywhere.

So much THIS! I can’t get over how a country that prides itself on freedom is still arguing about this. Let it go people. We’ve had these laws for over a decade and the world hasn’t ended. I think we can all agree that God DGAF.

It certainly seems to run in my family. Out of 12 grandchildren, 5 of us are queer or trans.

I hear you but I could never diss Joss.