Pontypool's #1 DJ

Perfect description.

PTA is the devil! I tried doing it when my kid was in elementary. The receptionist from my old high school was also there. We started discussing the police drug education visit and the woman says “Why don’t we just have Pontypool do it? She knows them better than anyone.”

Do you know any Americans that can ship it to you as a gift?

I really wanted to grab that moderator by the ear native-auntie style and tell him to respect his elders.

Perfect example that the current race discussion in the US is black and white. Whether it was on race in general or not, the racism natives face was evident. We are considered as the lowest rung, not even worth giving 10 minutes to by other oppressed people.

Seriously. Has she tried to apply for a job or a lease lately? She lives her life in a bubble of make-believe.

*sobs* I wanted to buy a camp stove from Amazon. $105 u.s. and $275 Canadian!

Big difference. Many First Nations traditional lands cross the Americas borders and were separated when those borders were created. An indigenous American should have that status across the continent.

I agree. I believe in reconciliation but recognition has to come first.

It is awesome. A hilarious traditional bush cook and a classically trained British chef teach each other their ways. It’s basically Canada: The Nation as a cooking show.

Ugh! That is so ignorant! Wtf do those borders have to do with it?!

It takes a lot to truly offend me. The Redskins IS offensive. Luckily, there are already some new names they could use!

It sounds a lot cooler than it is. It’s sort of the reverse of the “one drop”. If you and your kids both have mixed babies chances are your grandkids won’t count as natives. It can vary but it’s usually fourth generation.

I know but Bellecourt said PoC. Bernie does seem to care more than anyone else running about Native rights but has he spoken with any groups?

It’s an excellent film.

Wait. What? So anyone born in the U.S.?

Chi-meegwetch for that. It’s great to see the old warrior still has plenty of fight in him.

Huh! I never knew that you had a VP that was 3/8 native. So maybe we can do it again within the century?

Agreed. As to why he should, I’ll paraphrase Trudeau and say: because it's 2016!