Pontypool's #1 DJ

I haven’t seen the video but I am glad someone brought it up at least once. It’s incredibly frustrating to see people who are running for president not even acknowledge the issues.

Excellent point.

That’s great. Now how about a Native on the Supreme Court?


They don’t want any non-natives. Doesn’t matter to them that they WANT to raise their kids in the tradition or that they bring in much-needed income. It’s awful and it makes me ashamed.

No but presumably they do get elected in their native lands i.e. Latin countries elect Latin leaders, Asian countries elect Asian leaders.


Oh I know. There is a rez here that is throwing out non-native partners of band members. I readily admit we are our own worst enemies.

Honestly I would be happy if the FNs, Inuit and Metis could manage to work together. That would be an accomplishment in itself.

I love Art! The other one is cute but Art is the one I want to hang out with.

Those stats are always slightly skewed. The US has blood quantum laws and Canada’s status Indian rules were designed to eventually remove them from the books entirely.

oh that’s a good one!

Don’t even get me started on Pocahontas! Brother Bear was a much better story that was way more respectful to our true ways.

We are now the first ones mentioned when race issues come up and I have to say it’s better than being ignored and forgotten.

When was the last time you saw a major American news outlet or Jezebel mention Native Americans? It’s seriously disturbing how little people think about them. It’s like Canada in the 50s.

About frigging time! I can’t get over how much Native Americans are ignored in the U.S. No one ever mentions them when discussing racism, sexism or economic disparity even though they were slaughtered and enslaved long before the Europeans brought anyone else over.

The fact that he can’t enter the U.S. influenced the courts to decide that he wasn’t an actual threat. Which is ridiculous. There is nothing stopping him from hiring some other pathetic MRA to carry out any acts.

Can the athletes sue if they get really sick or are they being forced to sign waivers? I might jump in that water if it meant I could bankrupt the Olympic games once and for all.

It’s awesome!

THIS! Especially if you are doing it alone, it MUST be something you truly want or that child (and you) will have a shite existence. I’ve never regretted having a child when I was young nor do I regret having an abortion 10 years later. Both were the right choices because I made them for myself.