Hinged Splitters

He is just the worst.

Oh dear. I simply wanted to post a reaction gif for this review of Jamie the mailman flapping his arms excitedly. As that pretty much sums up my reaction to these episodes. But have accidentally stumbled upon a lot of Jamie/Kevin artwork. It is disturbing. I now feel unclean.

I only want to see you laughing, in the pizza rain.

I miss Hot Pie.

Vanessa's childhood fear of dolls was probably cured by all that childhood taxidermy she enjoyed. Hence Lucifer Doll didn't stand a chance!

Yes indeed, silly Satan, thinking that all women really want is babies and husbands! How is that tempting for someone like Vanessa? Clearly Evelyn Poole's story shows us that we truly just want to be young and beautiful. *Ahem* Actually, TV show, what we want is to be Lily. Immortal, covered in blood, and dancing. It

All hail Billie Piper. Here she is with her greatest aversary to date, TV's "Pansy Man", who was played by, um, well, my husband . Ha. http://billiemoods-blog.tum…

"We're not from London"

The three witches hiding in the wallpaper… You can always tell a Milford man.

So Vanessa was strapped to a bed for weeks, covered in her own dried blood, sweat and spittle. But at least some thoughtful soul regularly shaved her armpits for her. Probably Sembene, poor sod.

Now I am fully expecting the extra himself to set up an @AryasStalker twitter account, detailing minute by minute accounts of stalkery things like the type of fruit Arya likes to buy at the market, what times of day she goes to see the theatre troupe, WHYwon'tsheloveme?Iworemyspecialblueshirtjustforher, todays dashing

Or become Patrician of Ankh Morpork.

Was that a Missing poster for Steven Universe's special hat (that no one had ever seen him wear)? The one he wanted Secret Team to help him find?

Hey Time, where's my fiancée? Am I right?