Dancing Mad

Man I am just loving these 1995 articles.

You forgot the stabby stab.

That's only in the Amiga version.

He's stopped buying whole boxes of crayons and now stocks up individually on brown and red.

"Make me!"

It certainly didn't explain why a human would run in a straight direction away from something going only in that exact same direction.

What's the over/under on how quickly this is ceased and desisted?

Rick Moranis is in for a surprise!


Ah, so you're a power bottom then.

That's it, everyone, pack it in. Weasels won.

Although the "Get Involved, Idiots" for Uwe Boll's crowdfunding was a nice touch.

It's great in the sense it laid the foundation for GTA V the way GTA 3 laid the foundation for San Andreas.

Apples and oranges, much? EDIT: Also, wanna fix that?

From a production standpoint, the shots they achieved with a GoPro on a stick are fucking phenomenal. So I'll certainly jump to their defense of being called a bunch of hacks.


You go out and shoot it, then, and make it look as good as these guys did. Love to see your results.

I still say we move under the sea.

You know, when I clicked this link, I was hoping it was exactly what it was. Thank you.

"Oh no, fuck you."
-Pizza Hut and Pepsi