Dancing Mad

He's straight in the way a coat hanger that you turned into something straight is straight.

Yes, I was pleased that the waveforms lined up with the voice.

I'm really digging the continuity between episodes. Bringing a new life to the show.

An A story turned into a C+ movie.

*nostalgic sigh*

Unless you're making a joke about someone involved in this scenario that lacks the ability to speak, then no, he means moot.

Don't feed the troll, Will. Great article.

I enjoyed the first season, but there was something about the way the second season was shot that threw me off.


It's so meta!

I'll read it.

We want Heart and Soul 2! Also directed by Mel Gibson.

If you haven't by now, probably not.

You're a few comments too late.

I enjoy her work and she's certainly attractive, but yeah, she kinda became huge out of nowhere.

And a very classy bush.

I've very green to this whole commenting thing.

Maybe it's time for Sunday Morning Heavily Fixed in Post

Make-berieve if you're in Asia.

"Make-belive computer football."